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‘GREAT TURNOUT’: Charity golf day in Northwood raises more than £11,000 for cancer centre

 Published on: 9th July 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Watford team came second place in a thrilling charity golf day that raised more than £11,000 for a cancer centre.

On June 11, Denham Golf Club held the annual 18-hole Stableford Competition, to raise money for the Paul Strickland Scanner Centre at Mount Vernon Hospital in Northwood.

After a fantastic day of golf, the Watford-based Three and a Half Men team secured second spot, coming in close second to Flannery Plant Hire. On top of the golf, everyone enjoyed an auction with raffle prizes that were kindly donated by local businesses and individuals, raising more than £11,000 for the centre.

Caroline Wren, senior fundraiser at Paul Strickland Scanner Centre, said: “We had another great turnout again this year; the sun was out, and the team at Denham Golf Club were brilliant hosts as usual. A big thank you to all our supporters and golfers for their generosity and everyone who helped make this another amazing charity golf day.

“A special thanks also go to our volunteers on the day, in particular to Pam Holland and her helpers from Moor Park Golf Club.”

Caroline said that the team have already started planning next years event, which is set to take place on June 10.

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