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GOING GREEN: Northwood synagogue celebrates silver environmental award

 Published on: 18th September 2023   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Northwood synagogue has recently received an award for their eco-friendly activities.

Northwood United Synagogue (NUS) has been growing herbs and vegetables in conjunction with the Iron Aid Foundation, Carpenders Park Garden Centre and Waitrose Northwood, with the aim of donating them to those living in poverty.

As well as growing the new plants, NUS has also completely refurbished the synagogue garden with a woodland area, fresh fruit trees and natural flowers.

Four water butts have replaced the garden hose to save on water consumption, and raised beds have been built with rescued wood. Works have also been carried out to make the path through the garden fully wheelchair accessible.

In recognition of this, at the end of last month NUS received an EcoSynagogue Silver Award from EcoJudaism, an initiative encouraging the Jewish community to help protect the environment.

A spokesperson for the NUS said: “Our success has been treated with infectious enthusiasm. Everybody who is involved with this project is keen to help – no shortage of volunteers!”

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