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FAIRYTALE: Talented group of dancers from Hemel Hempstead to perform at Disneyland Paris

 Published on: 11th July 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A group of 50 dancers from Hemel Hempstead are set to perform on an international stage later this year.

In the October half term, 54 Bovingdon Dance Academy (BDA) students and their families will head to Disneyland Paris to perform on the park’s Videopolis stage in front of an international audience.

Preparations for this opportunity began last November as the BDA team sent in a video submission for their audition.

The students were then asked to attend an extra class and perform their audition dances again. Approximately 30 seconds into the dance routine, the track cut to an announcement informing the team that they had been successful. The dance studio was filled with shrieks, excitement and a few tears from parents.

The Disney Squad are now busy rehearsing every weekend as they prepare for their performance by learning seven routines choreographed by BDA teachers, Nikki Stewart and Karen Tower.

Speaking to HEMELnews, Nikki said: “We are really proud of our pupils and looking forward to them lighting up the stage at Disneyland Paris.”

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