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FABULOUS PICS: Chorleywood residents enjoy nature shots of village 

 Published on: 9th June 2021   |   By: Amneet Kaur   |   Category: Uncategorized

A former TRDC cllr has been brightening up people’s days by uploading nature shots of Chorleywood on Facebook which he takes during his daily walks.

Les Mead is from Rickmansworth but enjoys going to Chorleywood for a walk with wife Carol and their two Lurcher rescue dogs Sophie and Billy.

Speaking to ChorleywoodNews he said: “We’ve been walking Chorleywood House Estate and Chorleywood Common, for probably over 20 years, also with our other dogs who have passed away.

“I am a great believer in sharing. This includes my videos and photographs. I have 11 video channels and a couple of Flickr accounts.

“We walk every morning from about 07.30 varying the walks. I drive to Chorleywood in my estate car.

“We are so lucky to have so many walks around Chorleywood, I just like to share our experiences. We usually meet a friend with a rescue Greyhound. A bit difficult under COVID-19 restrictions.”

Les was a TRDC councillor for eight years before becoming the chairman of the council in 2012-13 at present he is a director of two local charities. 

Picture credit Les Mead

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