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Council promise valuable mental health service will be saved

 Published on: 11th May 2016   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

Harrow Council decides to save a mental health service, which benefits Pinner Residents, as council leader said it is “valuable resource to our community”. Cllr David Perry, leader of Harrow Council, announced an innovative model for a raft of new mental health services at The Bridge that will keep the centre open for years to come and create a beacon of mental health. The Council outlined its voluntary sector and community partnership model following a consultation and weeks of work to devise a cost-effective option that protects the Council-owned centre. Service users who united to create the “Save The Bridge Campaign” applauded the decision to keep the centre open. Campaigners pledged to work hand-in-hand with the council to create a lasting and high-quality service for Harrow. Louise Mitchell, The Bridge service user and campaigner said: “I feel total relief. I’ve been going to The Bridge every day for 18 years – it gives me a reason to get up in the morning, gives me a place to go and gives me the support I need to stay well. The Bridge is like a home from home.” Cllr Perry added: “I have been humbled by the dignified, passionate and steadfast campaign to save The Bridge. Their extraordinary creativity and belief will now help us co-design a brilliant service in this mental health centre. The Bridge is a valuable resource to our community.” Coming to the end of its previous tendered contract, The Bridge had been one of a multitude of Harrow Council services proposed for closure in cutbacks prompted by the withdrawal of tens of millions of pounds of government funding. Council officers devised the new model following an extensive consultation with service providers and service users at The Bridge. They will now form a “steering group” to develop the community approach.

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