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Consultation on bus garage site redevelopment

 Published on: 10th July 2018   |   By: Tim Green   |   Category: Uncategorized

There was an initial public consultation/exhibition earlier this month with Watford Real Estate in regards to the re-development of Garston Bus Garage, St Albans Rd, with the proposal being for residential development.

Local councillors from both Meriden and Stanborough wards attended along with many local residents.

It was about 18 months ago that Arriva announced that they were to vacate Garston Bus Garage by the end of 2018.

This consultation/exhibition was arranged/organised by Watford Real Estate to pick up residents’ views before “plans are set”.

The plans displayed consisted of 230 flats being a mix of one, two, three and four bedrooms, 35 per cent being affordable which includes some social housing, eight blocks of flats, landscaped grounds with fairly generous borders surrounding the complex and parking on street on-site and underground.

The front facing blocks on St Albans Rd would to be five to six storeys whilst other blocks will be three to four storeys – two other blocks are two storeys.

One vehicle entrance/exit at the existing exit/entrance near Lloyds Bank, and a pedestrian exit/entrance to the site at the other end of the development and this will include a new exit/entrance to Garston Park.

Cllr Kareen Hastrick, Hertfordshire County Councillor for Meriden/Tudor division, said: “We all knew something would happen to this site once Arriva announced that they were to depart. It is early days in regards to this site with no formal plans set.

“The development company certainly seemed open and sympathetic to concerns, opinions and suggestions so it was good to see so many members of the public attending and engaging with this consultation.”

Cllr Amanda Grimston, Watford Borough Councillor for Meriden, said: “Whatever occurs on this site will have an impact on the surrounding areas from potential overlooking factors to neighbouring residents, increased traffic generation particularly at rush-hour times on what is already a congested area and parking overspill concerns.

“We do have real concerns regarding the increase to the weight of traffic, both on St Albans Road and further, through the Meriden Estate. Meriden Way and The Gossamers are already a rat-run used by motorists to avoid the Dome roundabout.

“In addition, First and Fourth Avenues are also used to avoid St Albans Road lights. I’m aiming to establish a working group of local residents so that we can fully engage with the developer to overcome concerns with this development.”

Cllr Tim Williams, Watford Borough Councillor for Stanborough, said: “The proposed 230 flats at this location will cause infrastructure issues on the highway infrastructure, on local health services and on school places, so we need to ensure that we address these during the planning process.

“The option of nothing occurring on this site will not happen so whatever happens needs to be in accordance with planning policies and be of no detriment to local residents.”

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