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COMFORT CASES: Shenley charity provides children in care with Christmas gifts

 Published on: 24th December 2023   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

Shenley-based charity Comfort Cases UK (CCUK) gifted Christmas presents to more than 300 underprivileged children in December.

CCUK works with children in the care system and those on the edge of care. Over the festive period, the charity aimed to support children who would otherwise not receive a Christmas present.

According to CCUK founder and CEO Sarah Laster, four out of five children in care have nothing more than a plastic shopping bag to carry their possessions in when moving between homes. Throughout the year, Comfort Cases provides these children with an age- and gender-appropriate rucksack filled with pyjamas, toiletries, a book and teddy bear.

There are 36,000 children in care in the UK, and a grand total of 106,000 children living away from home.

CCUK relies on corporate sponsorship to continue its charitable work, particularly because all the items provided to children are new, not second-hand.

Sarah said: “There is so little understanding of how children end up in care and how they deserve to be supported. They are victims, not perpetrators.

“The good news is that local businesses can do a lot to make a difference, whether it’s through participating in a packing day, making a donation, or sponsoring an item.”

Most recently, the charity has been sponsored by John Lewis and Shenley-based digital production company Twenty-Two.

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