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COGNITIVE BOOKS: Croxley resident creates books designed for those with dementia

 Published on: 1st June 2023   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Croxley resident has created a series of books designed to be read by those living with dementia.

Matt Singleton was inspired by his father, Brian, who was a keen reader before being diagnosed with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Speaking to Croxley News, Matt said: “Reading was always his passion. I have very vivid memories of my dad always reading on family holidays.”

Following Brian’s diagnosis, Matt’s stepmother asked him to stop buying books for his dad, as he was finding them hard to follow. Matt, who is a gerontologist, decided to try to help.

He created Cognitive Books, a business that creates books which allow people with dementia to continue to enjoy reading.

Matt said: “Readers will be familiar with the topics because they’re from their youth. The stories can be enjoyed alone or with a loved one.

“Each page works individually and collectively as a story, and there are audio versions too.”

The books are based on scientific techniques, with a grounding in cognitive stimulation and reminiscence therapy.

As for his father, Matt says: “I gave the first one to him back in 2019, and he absolutely loved it.”

Now Matt is looking for local residents living with these conditions who would be willing to try out the books and provide feedback. If you are interested, visit

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