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‘CARRY ON’: Abbots Langley cancer survivor ‘given a second chance of life’

 Published on: 25th November 2022   |   By: Darius Morgan   |   Category: Uncategorized

An Abbots Langley resident is encouraging others to “get busy living” after being declared cancer-free following successful chemotherapy treatment. 

Jennifer Eglinton was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018 at the age of 50. In the weeks following her diagnosis, Jennifer, fearing the worst, wrote her bucket list. 

After several mammograms, four biopsies, a number of scans, breast surgery, six rounds of chemotherapy and 20 sessions of radiotherapy, Jennifer was confirmed as cancer-free. 

Jennifer told AbbotsNews: “But what about my bucket list? The cancer was gone, so surely the list could wait? Absolutely not!

“I’d felt like I had been given a second chance of life, so I was going to grab it with both hands. Up to now, I’d been a busy mum, a wife, and an IT consultant. I owed it to myself to have some me-time.” 

Her bucket list included writing a book, going on a game show, and learning how to water-ski. Topping the list was throwing a javelin again, as she had excelled in the sport when she was younger.

Jennifer had had a lymph node removed from her armpit as part of her treatment, so was wary as to whether she would still be able to throw a javelin.

She said: “I called Watford Harriers Athletics Club; I hesitantly told them I was 51. I felt accepted straight away and Matt Davies became my coach.”

Within two years, Jennifer was competing in the Senior Athletics League. After that came the veterans competition for over-35s, in which she came first.

Jennifer added: “Life is short; try things you’ve always wanted to and get busy living.”

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