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CANCER-CLEAR: Northwood man cleared of cancer after being given new treatment

 Published on: 31st October 2022   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Northwood duathlete is praising the staff at both Mount Vernon and Hillingdon hospitals for their work with a new leukaemia treatment that he says has made him cancer clear.

Ray Tucker was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) three years ago, 20 years after abnormalities appeared in his blood cells. It was declared slow-growing and incurable.

The diagnosis was devastating for Ray, especially when blood tests at Mount Vernon showed the growth of the cancer was gathering pace, forcing him to turn down a place on the British Age Group Team for the European Duathlon Championship due to a drop-in fitness.

However, weeks later, Dr. Akila Danga of the hospital’s haematology department told Ray of a new immunotherapy treatment of pills and infusions that had been trialled for five years that might benefit him.

In April, he began this treatment at Hillingdon Hospital under Dr. Danga’s direction. Within eight days, his cancer cell readings had dropped from 225 to just 1.6.

Now declared cancer-clear, Ray is still being monitored and is taking tablets to clear away dead cancer cells and protect from infection. But he’s optimistic about becoming a duathlete again.

Speaking to NORTHWOOD&RUISLIPnews, Ray said: “The treatment I have been fortunate to receive from Dr Danga and the Haematology Unit at Hillingdon Hospital has been first class.

“I’ve experienced nothing short of perfect treatment from the doctors, specialist nurses and assistants working there.

“They always give you a smile and tend patients lovingly, even though some have journeyed through heavy morning traffic each day. They are obviously well trained and organised.”

Hillingdon Hospitals Trust and Dr. Danga have been contacted for comment.

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