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BERNAYS GARDENS: Community group in Stanmore set for busy summer after volunteers found

 Published on: 23rd May 2024   |   By: Amy Pollard   |   Category: Uncategorized

A community group of volunteers who help keep Bernays Gardens in Stanmore looking its best are now well resourced thanks to the Rotary Club.

The Bernays Gardens group recently put out a plea for more volunteers to join their ranks to help maintain the popular green space.

The Rotary Club stepped in and found five volunteers to give the group a boost ahead of a busy summer, which includes Stanmore Summer Fete on Sunday, June 30.

Veena Lidbetter, from Bernays Gardens, told STANMORE&EDGWAREnews: “A massive thanks to the Rotary Club who helped fill our volunteer gap.

“We should now have enough people to maintain the gardens as we move into the summer months.

“However, we are still looking for help as we could do with some tables being donated to us; any going spare would be great.

“We’re also gearing up for the Stanmore Summer Fete, which will take place in the gardens. If anyone is interested in taking a stall, please get in touch as soon as possible.”

For more information on taking a stall or to discuss ideas for events in the gardens, please call Veena on 07771 833843.

Photo Credit: Bernays Gardens

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