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ANIMAL SAVIOUR: Meet the Stanmore vet who is brightening the future for animals around the world 

 Published on: 14th November 2019   |   By: News Desk   |   Category: Uncategorized

A TV vet from Stanmore who has not only dedicated his life to saving animals in his practice, but around the world, has recently been celebrating a successful year. 

Marc Abraham, known as Marc the Vet by TV viewers, succeeded in getting ‘Lucy’s Law’ passed through Parliament and getting a Korean dog farm shut down. 

Marc has been a long term campaigner in trying to end third party puppy and kitten trading in the UK and has now succeeded in making it illegal in England from April 2020 to buy a puppy or kitten without seeing it with its mother, in the place where it was born. 

Since he started campaigning, Marc has seen and treated puppies and kittens which are being “bread to death in horrendous conditions”. 

He explained: “When I found out the whole process was legal and licensed, I started going to Westminster, meeting MPs and lobbying. I had no luck; it was a long process and I wasn’t really making progress.”

Marc had been to Westminster roughly 300 odd times in six years while working as a full-time vet, but it all changed when a rescue dog from a breeding farm called Lucy passed away. 

“I renamed the campaign Lucy’s Law and everyone immediately connected with it. It went viral and everyone was on board,” said Marc. 

“It doesn’t feel real. There has been a lot of work put into getting this passed and it just feels surreal. It was a real David vs Goliath campaign and now we have a real brighter future for our dogs and cats.”

As well as saving dogs and cats in the UK, Marc travelled to Korea alongside Humane Society International (HSI) and saved 98 dogs who were destined for death as they were on a dog meat farm. 

Eating dog meat in Korea is a part of culture in the older generation and Marc found it difficult to “criticise another culture who think its okay to eat things we call pets”. 

After spending five days out there, Marc saved every single dog and got the farm shut down. 

The dogs saved are now being brought to rescue centres in America, Canada and the UK.

Picture courtesy of Humane Society International 

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