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YOU’RE INVITED! New Pinner community picnic given a boost from government grant

 Published on: 15th May 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A government grant is helping to support a new event in the village.

Organised by the Friends of Pinner Village Gardens (PVG), Pinner Picnic 2024 has received £879 from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Following the very successful Coronation Picnic Party, the Friends of PVG are running a similar event in the park from 12pm to 4pm on Sunday, June 2.

The free event will include music, children’s rides, food stalls, pond dipping, and the very popular fun dog show.

Professor Stephen Spiro OBE, PVG’s honorary treasurer, said: “We hope many local residents will bring their own picnic and enjoy the other elements of the Pinner Picnic event while discovering more about Pinner’s 16-acre park.

“Parks are known to play an important part in people’s wellbeing, so the Friends are delighted to be able to host this event. We are very grateful to receive a grant from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to offset some of the costs.”

To find out more or to volunteer or donate, head to

Photo credit: Friends of Pinner Village Gardens

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