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WELL WELL WELL: Russ Kane to host informal Watford mental health evening

 Published on: 11th October 2022   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

Radio host Russ Kane, Watford FC Luther Blissett and other special guests will all be involved in a special evening on mental health in Watford.

Titled “Well Well Well: Do Not Believe Everything Think“, the informal event is being held at 7pm on October 12 at the Watford Pumphouse Theatre, organised by the Watford Wellness Club.

Russ Kane will be the emcee of the evening, with it described as “an informal evening of interesting and entertaining conversation about what mental wellness really means.

“From overcoming challenges with a “pulling shirt” to the pressures of being Miss England. Coping with Police stress, losing your team not the game, having a battle cry endlessly in your head. To being a young influencer – and black!

Russ takes guests chat show style through their stories and invites the audience to ask questions and the question “is it really a mental health problem, or do we just think it is?”

Tickets are free, but need to be registered. To book a place for the event, visit this web link.

Photo Credit: The Pump House Theatre and Arts Centre



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