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Watford Choir to honour the suffragette movement

 Published on: 16th April 2018   |   By: Jason Allen   |   Category: Uncategorized

Members of the Watford Palace Theatre Community Choir will extend their horizons this summer, to perform with two other well-established choirs in special events.

The women members will join with the Claremont Singers from Windsor to honour the 100th anniversary of the first votes for women.

They will sing anthems from the suffragette movement in a historic celebration to be held at the Chiltern Open Air Museum on 23rd June.

A further unique opportunity for the choir will be to sing with the Cymric Male Voice Choir at Port Talbot in Wales.

An additional concert in Wales will help to raise funds for Walsingham Support, a charity which assists people with learning difficulties.

In addition to the suffragette anthems, the new repertoire will include a varied range of songs adopted by football teams, including a Verdi opera chorus, a Simon and Garfunkel hit and the original folk song used as the theme from ‘Z-Cars’.

Most of these have been arranged by the choir’s musical director Steve Merrony.

The special events and the choir’s summer concert at the Palace Theatre will build on the success of its tour to Southern France and the well-received performance of songs from ‘Oliver!’ at the Palace Theatre last year.

Diana Luheshi, a choir member for the past five years, said: ‘We are really looking forward to the next few months, which will give us some great opportunities and new challenges.

I am very excited about the chance of singing with the other choirs, especially the Welsh Male Voice Choir.’

She added ‘We are always open to new members and would love to have more people joining us after Easter’.

Prospective new members are welcome to try a taster session on a Wednesday evening in term time, before committing themselves.

The new term begins of on 18th April, it is fully accessible and everyone is welcome.

Full details are available on the Theatre website

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