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TOP SPOT: Watford ranked number one in the UK for area with least access to garden space

 Published on: 29th July 2023   |   By: Holly Bullen   |   Category: Uncategorized

Watford has been ranked as the number one place in the UK where children have the least access to gardens.

According to research conducted by OutdoorToys, 77 per cent of addresses in the town have access to a private outdoor space.

The town came in as slightly below London, where 78 per cent of addresses have private garden space.

The area with the most access to gardens in the UK was South Tyneside, at 96.5 per cent.

Alex Price, product expert at OutdoorToys, said: “As well as being loads of fun, playing outdoors is key for a child’s growth and development. Many physical benefits come with being active, such as developing essential motor skills like coordination, agility and balance.

“Being outdoors also aids in children’s immune system development. The vitamin D they get from sun exposure encourages strong bone and muscle growth, as well as helping to establish healthy sleep cycles and mood stabilisation.

“Unfortunately, not all households are able to have a garden, which is where public green spaces come into play. if your home doesn’t have access to a garden, then it’s important to try and get your child outdoors through visits to the park. This helps to ensure your child still has the freedom to explore their imagination safely.”

To read the full research, head to the Outdoor Toys website.

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