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TOP MARKS: Rickmansworth school students celebrate A-Levels success

 Published on: 18th August 2022   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A-Level students at Rickmansworth School can finally breathe easy, with a big majority of them earning great results in their final exams.

Collecting their grades on a nerve-wracking day today, it’s been shown that 90 per cent of the pupils at the school managed to achieve a A*, A, B and/or C grade.

It’s been a particularly challenging journey for this year’s crop of Year 13 students, who, along with many others across the country, had two years of their education impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns that came as a result.

The average grade for the pupils at Rickmansworth School was a B, and it had an increase in attainment rate that was higher than the national average, which itself had an increase compared with the outcomes in 2019.

As for what happens next, multiple students have managed to earn themselves places at the UK’s top universities, including several at the Oxbridge pair and the Russell Group, all to ready a wide variety of subjects.

A spokesperson for Rickmansworth School said: “After two very challenging years, not only in terms of the academic rigour of A Levels but also the impact of the pandemic, both staff and students were both anxious and hopeful that hard work and diligence would pay off but pay off it did!

“We are incredibly proud of all their achievements. Congratulations to all of our students. The school looks forward to hearing about their successes in years to come.”

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