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Three Rivers Police launch new Facebook page

 Published on: 6th June 2019   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

Three Rivers Police has launched its own Facebook page so residents can receive updates about what their local officers are doing in their area.

Those who follow the page will be able to see photographs and information posted by officers from their local Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Recent posts include photos from the Rickmansworth Canal Festival, snapshots of officers’ patrol routes and information about recovered tools that are suspected to have been stolen.

It will also feature witness appeals, details about proactive policing operations, traffic information and arrest, charge and sentencing updates.

Three Rivers Chief Inspector Nick Lillitou said: “Many people already follow the main Herts Police Facebook account, but I’m now pleased to say we will be able to provide more hyper-local updates about issues and incidents that really matter to residents in Three Rivers.

“We have had feedback to say that many people find police work very intriguing and want to know what’s going on in their neighbourhoods, so this page is the perfect opportunity for us to open up a window into our world.

“It is also a great way to showcase the fantastic work my team are doing, both singly and with our partners, to ensure Three Rivers is a safe place to live, learn and work.

“Facebook is a great engagement tool and I hope it will enable us to reach an audience who we may not have otherwise.”

Comments and feedback is welcomed and officers will do their best to answer questions and reply to posts, however the page is not monitored 24/7.

It is not intended to be used as a tool to report crime or anti-social behaviour, so people are encouraged to continue to use the appropriate channels to report incidents in their area.

If there is danger to life or you believe a crime is currently in progress, always dial 999.

However if it’s not an emergency, you can:

• Email your local Safer Neighbourhood Team – find out who they are at

• Report information online at

• Speak to an operator in our Force Communications Room via web chat here

• Call the non-emergency number 101 and ask for Herts Police

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