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THE FOX: Notorious sex offender linked to incidents in Tring dies in prison aged 72

 Published on: 26th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A notorious criminal and sex offender has died in prison, 40 years after committing his crimes in areas across Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire, including Tring.

Also known as The Fox, Michael Fairley committed a series of burglaries and violent sexual crimes in the three counties, which became known as The Triangle of Terror. Two of his victims were from Tring.

His case became the topic of a media storm, leading to an extensive investigation across the three areas and a £200,000 operation to bring him to justice. By the time of his capture, Fairley had committed 80 crimes as The Fox.

His nickname came from his reoccurring MO, where he would build dens in his victims’ houses before committing rape, indecent assault and violent assault on the occupants. He was arrested in September 1984 and given six life sentences.

Fairley died at HM Prison Hull in Kingston upon Hull on May 28 at the age of 72, after spending 40 years in prison.

In early May, Tring News reported on an ITN Productions documentary about Fairley, The Intruder: He’s Watching You From Within, which was released earlier this year.

Photo credit: Andy Vermaut


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