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TEED OFF: Northwood residents protest against golf course sale

 Published on: 6th March 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

Residents have shared their outrage over plans to sell two golf courses, including one in Northwood.

Hillingdon Council is hoping to sell Haste Hill Golf Club in Northwood and Uxbridge Public Golf Course after announcing that both courses are being operated at a loss.

The golf club sites will be put onto the open market, with the option for buyers to purchase a long lease with a restrictive user clause for an operative golf course to be included.

Haste Hill Golf Club opened in Northwood in 1930, and is also the site of a bird sanctuary. In the last financial year, the two golf courses combined required a subsidy of £130,000.

In a recent council report, it reads: “Both Uxbridge Golf Course and Haste Hill Golf Course are operated by the council at a loss, despite fees having recently been increased and also past investment.

“The sale of the golf courses will ensure that the non-statutory service of golf leisure activities by the council can continue to be offered at these two locations by a suitable provider, with residents able to continue to be able to play golf on both sites.”

However, residents have expressed shock at the decision. Many said they were unaware of the potential sale until very recently, when the council’s notice appeared in a local newspaper and was posted on social media.

Reacting to the notice, one resident said: “It’s pretty appalling that such a decision is made without greater public awareness of the proposals. It’s absolutely criminal.

“The council allowed six holes of Uxbridge to be trashed around 15 years ago, run Haste Hill into the ground and shut down the bar for years, making it massively unappealing. “

Another added: “Such a shame. There’s a lot they could have done to keep it and increase footfall. Just have to look at the place in Northolt, always busy.”

One resident also jumped to the council’s defence, stating: “Their loss making is due to nobody playing the course, and any sale would come with a restrictive covenant as a golf course only.

“Also, Hillingdon Council has over the years enhanced and protected the green belt. The sale does nothing to alter this.”

A petition against the sale has now been put forward on the Hillingdon Council website. It has gained enough signatures to be formally considered by the council and the relevant council member.

The petition reads: “Full disclosure of information around the sale/disposal of these sections of publicly owned greenbelt land should be provided to the public and a formal consultation exercise be held before any further action is taken.

“Current proposals have no clear community benefit, nor provide firm assurance around tender processes or the future of the greenbelt spaces.

“The residents of Hillingdon have the right to understand the information behind this sale and to make their own informed decisions, without influence or prejudice.”

To view the petition, visit

A spokesperson for Hillingdon Council stated: “Hillingdon Council has decided that, in light of the current economic climate, it is no longer a viable or appropriate option to ask its residents to subsidise the activities of a few, as has been the case for some years in respect of our golf courses at Haste Hill and Uxbridge.

“As a result, we have put out to the market the option to buy a long lease from the council to run and operate these courses. We have received a number of bids from interested parties and are likely to proceed with one of them.

“However, let it be clear – the freeholds will remain with the council to ensure that these locations remain golf courses and further there will be a requirement for any operator to offer the general golfing public access to the courses in the future.

“We believe that this solution offers the best way forward, removing the cost burden of subsidising playing and upkeep whilst at the same time guaranteeing the future retention of the courses and access for our residents.”

Photo Credit: Haste Hill Golf Course

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