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STOCKER’S LAKE: Wildlife champions tempt ospreys to settle in Ricky with artificial nest

 Published on: 14th May 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust is working with Affinity Water to attract ospreys to Stocker’s Lake in Rickmansworth.

Ospreys became extinct in England as a breeding bird more than 180 years ago. Conservation programmes are now beginning to make amends and have helped the birds return to the UK.

In 2001, the first breeding pair in England raised a single chick. There are now thought to be up to 300 breeding pairs in the UK and around 1,500 individuals in total.

A new nest created at Stocker’s Lake is a step towards attracting the birds to the region. The nest, which towers 10 metres above the lake, was constructed from rhododendron branches collected by local community group Friends of Stocker’s Lake. The structure was built by Wildlife Windows.

Josh Kalms, the trust’s people and wildlife officer at Affinity Water sites, said: “It is wonderful to think that the species could become part of our local birdlife in future. We recognise this could take some years, but it is hoped our artificial nest may be seen by a juvenile or displaced osprey on its autumn migration to the Congo. The following year, it may choose to make a new home at Stocker’s Lake.”

Photo Credit: Peter Cairns

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