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STADIUM SECURED: Berkhamsted Football Club delighted after securing new lease at beloved playing ground

 Published on: 29th October 2022   |   By: Holly Bullen   |   Category: Uncategorized

Berkhamsted FC are over the moon after announcing that it has secured a new lease allowing the club to continue to play at Broadwater Stadium.

This news comes after a long battle to save the football ground, with a previous petition trying to persuade the owners to stay at Broadwater, securing almost 4,000 signatures.

The current lease at the Glencar Community Stadium (GCS) was due to expire on May 31, 2023, but with the new lease in place, the Comrades will be playing at their historic home until at least the end of May 2028.

Steve Davis, chairman of the club, wanted to thank everyone who had supported the club on their journey.

He said: “I’m delighted we’ve got this across the line, and would like to thank all the people who’ve worked so hard on our behalf to get to this point. We have a constructive relationship with our landlords, the Berkhamsted Sports Ground Charitable Association, and we look forward to working with them going forward – our aim is to extend the lease even further in due course, and with that longer lease in place, we would enable access to a very significant level of funding and grants from a wide range of organisations.

“Working with our valued sponsors, we’re putting together a business plan to take Berkhamsted FC to the next level of senior non-league football, and I’m excited about the club’s future which is underpinned by the new lease.”

A team has played at the Broadwater location since the formation of the original Berkhamsted Comrades football club by returning servicemen in 1919, and everyone associated with the club cherishes its location which provides easy access in the town centre.

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