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SPORTING CHAMPS: Pinner students compete at borough-wide athletics championships

 Published on: 29th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A selection of Pinner students secured great results in a borough-wide athletics championship.

Hatch End High School students competed in the Harrow Athletics Championships, held at Harrow School, at the end of last month.

Megan M came first in the 200m race and third in the javelin; Ana Maria S came second in the 800m race; and Iustina O came third in the high jump.

Kyra W came second in the 200m and the sprint hurdles and third in the long jump.

Jayard V came second in the 100m race; Raul S came second in the 1,500m race; and Jacob A finished third in the 200m.

Photo credit: Hatch End High School

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