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SETT ASIDE: Residents left heartbroken after Pinner housing development approved

 Published on: 8th December 2023   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

Pinner residents have been left distraught after the plans they campaigned against for two decades were approved.

Harrow Council approved MML Investments Limited’s application for 37 residential units on land to the rear of Pinner Road on Wednesday, November 22.

Residents of Pinner Road and The Gardens, who created a petition against the plans which has gained more than 30,000 signatures, have shared their concerns, particularly over a family of badgers whose sett will be destroyed.

The developers have promised that an artificial badger sett will be built off-site where the omnivorous family will be relocated, assuring no development will occur in the ‘designated badger zone’.

Gareth Thomas, Labour MP for Harrow West, posted on social media: “Over the past two decades, I have campaigned against development on this land behind Pinner Road over noise and biodiversity concerns.

“I am shocked to see this application was voted through by Conservative members of Harrow Council’s Planning Committee.”

Residents, wildlife groups and local communities have all shared their despair and disappointment over the decision.

Conservation group Scottish Badgers responded to the news and said: “It’s all very well creating an artificial sett as part of any licence conditions; it does not protect or replace lost forage ground and territory. If only the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 did protect these as well as setts.

“The poor badgers will end up crossing roads, visiting gardens, and generally coming into danger and in conflict with humanity whilst attempting to go about their lives.”

MML Investments Limited and Harrow Council have been contacted for comment.

Photo credit: Kirklees Badger Group

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