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SCOUTS ARE SCOUTING: Watford group on lookout for new members

 Published on: 29th November 2019   |   By: News Desk   |   Category: Uncategorized

Watford North Scouts are looking for more young members and volunteers to get involved.

The group are part of the UK’s biggest mixed youth organisation and welcome anyone aged between six and 18 years old.

They aim to change lives through fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and skills for life.

The groups in North Watford include Beavers aged between six and eight, Cubs between eight and 10, Scouts between 10 and 14 and Explorers from 14 to 18. 

They also have a team of volunteers. 

Jack Mawhinney from Watford North Scouts said: “Scouts has taught me many things over the 23 years I have been involved – right from a Beaver to leader, which I am today. 

“I have made a lot of new friends, gained a lot of skills that I will be using for life and also I am teaching the young people what I learned from my leaders too.

“We are welcoming anyone from aged six upwards to 18. We are also welcome to new volunteers as well. You can be an adult volunteer behind the scenes or on the front line teaching our young people skills for life.”

Anyone wishing to join Watford North Scouts can do so by going to their website

Any budding volunteers can contact Jack directly on

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