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Residents “deeply unhappy” with garden flats plan

 Published on: 11th March 2019   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

A controversial plan to build a block of flats in the back garden of a historic Watford home and to demolish part of its historic features has been met with strong opposition from local residents and Nascot councillors.

Developer Little Stratford Ltd plans to partly demolish characteristic features of the locally listed Little Stratford House on Langley Road which falls within the Nascot Conservation Area. 

Plans submitted to Watford Borough Council include part demolition, extension and refurbishment works to the existing house to create four two-bedroom flats and construction of single storey new building to the rear to provide one two bedroom flat.

If the development is approved, a distinctive sweeping garage addendum designed by the acclaimed architect and urban planner, Max Lock, in the 1930’s, will be flattened to make way for a parking bay and access road to a new block of flats in the back garden. 

Nascot Councillor Mark Hofman, said: “A number of Little Stratford’s neighbours have approached me to say that they’re deeply unhappy with the plans to demolish the distinctive sweeping garage addendum which was part of a wider 1930’s refurbishment of the historical villa site by the acclaimed architect and urban planner, Max Lock.

“Not only are we looking at a design that will strip the Nascot Conservation Area of distinctive characteristic features but if the application is approved, we will also see an unacceptable new block of flats built as part of a back-garden intensification plan.

“Gardens are an important part of our natural environment, if a new block of flats is approved on this green space it will be lost forever and, in the process, cause significant loss of privacy, loss of outlook and loss of daylight to the near neighbours.

“However, we welcome the refurbishment of this prominent Langley Road home, I know neighbours agree it’s time for the site to be restored to its former glory, but this must be delivered in a way that respect’s Nascot’s history.”

The application, Little Stratford 80 Langley Road Watford WD17 4PL (18/01563/FUL), is currently being considered by Watford Borough Council. Residents can view and comment on the application by visiting the planning application’s portal

Over a dozen neighbours have so far objected to the plan.

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