Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) has issued a public consultation on housing figures in its new Local Plan.
Radically departing from the government’s target of 11,466 new homes in the district over the next 18 years, TRDC has instead proposed 4,852 houses.
Residents are now invited to share their views on this approach.
Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Lead Member for the Local Plan and Infrastructure at TRDC, stated: “We have said all along that the government figure was just too high and we could not meet it. You agreed with us that this meant unacceptable harm to our green belt that makes up 76 per cent of our area.
“Using the green belt as a constraint, we have ruled out developing sites which would do more than moderate harm to the environment – this is our ‘red line’. This new plan protects 98 per cent of our green belt.
“It means that 2,385 new homes on green belt sites are still built, but not the 9,000 total that would have to be constructed were we to meet the government target figure.
“This plan also seeks to provide for new health facilities, schools and community infrastructure. Our proposed polices would have 40 per cent of new homes made affordable, with 25 per cent being ‘first homes’ and 75 per cent being social rent. We are seeking to restrict the number of luxury four-plus-bed homes and we will require developments to meet climate change objectives.”
Three Rivers residents are invited to respond to the new Local Plan at