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PRATIBHA MISTRY: Arts society member credits peers for inspiring new exhibition

 Published on: 24th March 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

An acrylic painter whose work is currently being exhibited at The Radlett Centre credits the local arts society as one of her primary sources of inspiration.

Since she moved to Radlett four years ago, Pratibha Mistry has become ensconced in the area’s artistic community.

Pratibha said: “Being surrounded by so many inspirational artists at the Radlett Arts Society always encourages me to work on my craft.

“Art is a process of creation; whether or not people see what you produce or like it, the creative process is an exercise in mindfulness. The Radlett Society embodies that approach – everyone just brings along their materials and works at their own pace.”

Since launching her exhibition, Unspoken Visions of Brightness, on March 1, Pratibha has received a number of commissions for new paintings.

The exhibition is being shown at the Apthorp Gallery at The Radlett Centre until the end of April.

Follow Pratibha on Instagram @pratibhamistryart or email

Photo credit: Pratibha Mistry 

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