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PLAY ON: District councillors secure funding for Sarratt playground renovation

 Published on: 27th July 2023   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

Three Rivers District Council have agreed to provide Sarratt Parish Council with the necessary funding of £170,000 to go towards refurbishing the King George V Playground.

This arrives after years of effort from local Conservative councillors in attempts to acquire the necessary funding for this project and the plans for a new playground will be a fulfilment of many local resident’s needs.

Local Conservative district councillor Ciarán Reed was the leading voice in the attempt to secure the renovation funding and has taken the needs of the Sarratt residents into account.

Cllr Reed is planning for an entire playground space expansion and extra equipment available for teenagers to enjoy the park.

On this, he said: “This will refresh the playground and help to revitalise the village. It will provide new opportunities for young people to safely enjoy the beautiful green outdoors in Sarratt.”

The plans put forward by the council will also ensure that the previous idea proposed by the Sarratt District Council to construct a skatepark will not be followed through, with local residents not being in favour of this addition.

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