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Permission granted for B&B 

 Published on: 24th October 2018   |   By: News Desk   |   Category: Uncategorized

A pub in Chorleywood had reason to raise a glass in celebration last month when its application to build a new bed and breakfast on its site was approved following an appeal.

The Rose and Crown, in Old Common Road, had its initial bid to build a detached eight room B&B turned down by Three Rivers District Council.

That decision was overturned during an appeal and building work looks set to take place at some point next year.

Pub landlord, Jeff Hall, has run the pub for the past 23 years and was delighted with the plan being accepted.

He said: “We came up with the idea because locals in the pub were always complaining about a lack of accommodation nearby when they had visitors.

“I think it’s good news for the village, especially local businesses as more people visiting Chorleywood will mean more potential customers.”

Jeff, 61, addressed comments that the B&B would make parking a problem.

“We will lose only a small part of our car parking space. Any parking issue would have been made a lot worse if housing had been approved for the site.

“The pub is in an ideal location overlooking the common and it’s been a flourishing business during the 23 years I’ve been here.

“Chorleywood is a lovely place, with nice people and now there will soon be an opportunity for more visitors to come along and see what the village has to offer.”

The proposal for the B&B was initially refused by the council in June last year for a number of reasons.

While the lack of parking spaces was cited, the council also believed that the development would result in “loss of and harm to trees”, “would fail to respect the established character of the area” and would also have a negative impact on the views from Chorleywood Common and Common Road.

They also felt the new construction would negatively affect neighbouring properties.

The council overturned their initial decision in September, ruling that the potential impact the new B&B would have on parking was not significant enough to reject the application.

They said in their report conclusion: “HCC as Highway Authority has considered that the proposal would not have an unreasonable impact on the safety and operation of the surrounding highway with no direct impact. The development is unlikely to result in a significant increase in traffic generation as the use complements the existing pub use.

To read the full report, go to

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