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ON THE WAY: Hemel Hempstead school’s new classroom block one step closer as plans updated

 Published on: 1st September 2023   |   By: Dean Shaw   |   Category: Uncategorized

The Hemel Hempstead School (HHS) is one step closer to an upgrade after submitting updated plans for emergency access.

An application for a new three-storey classroom block was originally approved by Dacorum Borough Council (DBC) in July.

However, DBC requested more information on planned access before construction could begin.

Namely, they wanted analysis to show that the largest anticipated vehicles to use the new access would be able to turn around on site and enter to the public highway in forward gear, including construction vehicles.

DBC made this request, known as condition 15, to ensure “suitable, safe access of the site, highway safety and efficiency”.

HHS submitted these details on August 2, and they have now been approved by Highways England.

This forms part of the school’s wider plans to revamp the site by demolishing six existing classroom blocks and replacing them with a three-storey classroom block on the eastern playing field.
They are also hoping to construct a new multi-use games area.

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