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ON THE RISE: Deputy Prime Minister and Hertsmere MP speaks on increase in antisemitism in county

 Published on: 22nd February 2024   |   By: Darius Morgan   |   Category: Uncategorized

Hertfordshire saw the highest amount of antisemitic incidents outside of Greater London and Greater Manchester in 2023, according to a Jewish charity.

CST’s Antisemitic Incidents Report 2023, published on February 15, showed 4,103 instances of anti-Jewish hate recorded across the UK in 2023. This is the highest annual total ever reported to CST, and a 147 per cent rise from the 1,662 antisemitic incidents in 2022.

Hertfordshire had 112 incidents, up from 59 in 2022, the worst of any area other than Greater London (2,410) and Greater Manchester (555). Fifty-five incidents were recorded in Borehamwood and Elstree alone.

CST recorded an antisemitic incident on October 7, the day of the Hamas attack on Israel, when a vehicle drove past a synagogue in Hertfordshire with a Palestinian flag affixed to it, and an occupant shook their fist towards the synagogue through the open window.

CST also found that a threatening letter had been sent to the headteacher of a Jewish school in Hertfordshire in November, with threats to “slit” their throat.

Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden CBE, MP for Hertsmere, said: “The findings of the CST report make for deeply disturbing reading. I have been clear that we must guard against the terror and hate of the October 7 attacks spilling over to terror and hate against the Jewish community.

“The findings of this report are nothing short of a disgrace and like others, I have been appalled by the conduct we have seen on our streets. I will continue to stand up for the Jewish community here in Hertsmere, to confront the poison of antisemitism head on, as your local Member of Parliament and as Deputy Prime Minister.”

Photo credit: Oliver Dowden

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