The community was outraged earlier this month after books were stolen from the beloved Pinner and Eastcote Bookhub.
Miriam Chinnick first set up a book swap on her driveway on Eastern Avenue during the spring of 2020, before crowdfunding helped her purchase a red telephone box to act as a permanent base. Residents are able to peruse donated books and take them free of charge.
On March 2, one resident decided to take advantage of this cherished community asset.
Miriam told Pinnernews: “Someone rang the doorbell and asked about the books. I explained everything was free and she could take 10 books. Sadly, when I went out, she had taken an entire box of kids’ books (about 100 books) and at least another 20 books.”
Despite this unpleasant incident, Miriam is still buoyed by the ongoing success of the hub. On the same day, she received a book of letters from a grateful class of Fryent Primary School students whom she has provided with books.