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Lights, Camera, Community, Action

 Published on: 4th October 2016   |   By: Nik Allen

I’m writing this while preparing for a weekend of filming ahead of our My Local Heroes Awards Evening on December 2.

During the weekend we’ll hear from those who have nominated people who have made it to the shortlist of finalists.

It’s the fourth time we’ve organised a My Local Heroes Awards and these weekends really bring the stories behind some truly inspirational and humbling people to life.

It’s an emotional couple of days but ultimately really uplifting.

I was asked the other day why we do it?

It is time consuming for our team to organise. It can be stressful making sure it all runs smoothly. It’s a worry sometimes to see if local businesses will continue to support the event.

But for me it’s also our company’s biggest achievement.


Winners from My Local Heroes 2014

It raises thousands for local charities. It gives a platform for the unsung heroes among us and it’s a great evening out for all involved.

A big part of what we do at My News is supporting the communities we serve.

Whether that’s through sponsoring local sports clubs, helping out with community events or organising and hosting a platform like My Local Heroes where we can all celebrate some of the unsung heroes who live in our neighbourhoods.

Ever since our first magazine rolled off the printers back in 2006 it’s always been important for us to give back wherever and whenever possible.

It’s something we’re passionate about and something we will always do.

It also makes business sense for other local companies to get involved with their communities.

Several of the successful business owners I know do something at least once a year for a local charities, good causes or deserving individuals. It’s a win win for everyone.

There’s something about an event like My Local Heroes that brings out the best in everyone.

The team here work fantastically hard to ensure that from the day we announce we’re taking nominations until the last person has left the event (admittedly sometimes a bit wobbly on their feet) everything goes to plan.

Sponsors are incredibly generous and their support makes it all possible.

And the heroes, well they are just amazing. Selfless, generous and incredible.

Here’s looking forward to December 2 and an evening with local heroes.

Thanks for reading,


PS: The only way you can get tickets for the evening is by visiting:

PPS: If your business would like to donate a raffle prize please email me.


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