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NEW LOOK: Multi-million-pound Northwood mansion to be developed into flats

 Published on: 16th September 2023   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

Plans that will see a £2.5million mansion in Northwood demolished in favour of flats have been approved.

Wildacre, a seven-bedroom home in The Woods between Northwood and Ruislip, is to be replaced with eight apartments. Each apartment will have two bedrooms and the building will be constructed in an Arts and Crafts style.

A basement, parking, a bin store and ancillary works will also be added to the premises, with some of the accommodation being placed in the roofspace.

The development was approved by officers at Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) on Wednesday, August 30. There are also 11 conditions that the development must fulfil as part of the approval.

Only one comment was put forward on TRDC’s planning portal concerning the application. This comment praised the use of swift bricks as a biodiversity enhancement.

Dusek Design Associates Ltd, the agents for the developers, have been contacted for comment.

Photo Credit: Dusek Design Associates

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