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NEW DAWN: Chairwoman appointed for Watford Borough Council in historical first

 Published on: 5th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

Watford Borough Council (WBC) announced its new chairwoman and vice-chairwoman at the annual council meeting last month.

On Tuesday, May 21, councillor Dawn Allen-Williamson was appointed the new chairwoman, with councillor Favour Ezeifedi as vice-chairwoman.

By being appointed, cllr Allen-Williamson has made history by being the first black chairwoman of WBC.

Cllr Allen-Williamson said: “I am honoured to serve as the chairwoman of WBC and to be the first black woman to hold this position. As I take on this role, I am proud to represent the voices and aspirations of all residents, regardless of background.”

Cllr Allen-Williamson, who represents the Callowland Ward in North Watford, has lived in the town for more than 30 years and was elected as a councillor in 2019. She has chosen educational charity Ngorli C.I.C and Manna Foodbank as her chosen charities during her time in office. She has worked closely with these two organisations for many years.

Cllr Ezeifedi said: “I am delighted to have been chosen to be vice-chairwoman of WBC for the coming year. I look forward to undertaking the civic representation of the borough during the next 12 months and visiting as many local community organisations as I can.”

Elected Mayor of Watford Peter Taylor said: “It’s fantastic that Dawn and Favour are stepping into these significant roles as the council’s representatives. Their diverse backgrounds highlight the inclusive nature of the elected members at the council and town.

“They will become important representatives of our town and will visit the many and varied community organisations with which Watford is blessed.”

Photo credit: Watford Borough Council

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