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MIDSUMMER DELIGHT: Community event celebrating historic street comes to Pinner

 Published on: 3rd June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

Pinner residents will be thrilled to hear that a new community event is heading to the village later this month.

Everyone knows that Pinner has a historic High Street, which attracts visitors and has been featured in many films and TV series over the years. However, not everyone knows that much of Pinner’s extensive trading area is in fact on Bridge Street.

With so many community events focused on the High Street, as Salam Assaad, owner of Café Amici, says: “We want to show everyone that Bridge Street is not just the road you drive down to get to the High Street.”

Taking her concerns to Pinner Business Club, Salam came up with the idea of a musical street party on the longest day of the year, to showcase everything that Bridge Street has to offer. The Business Club were happy to get involved and asked local go-to volunteer Sharon Pink to assist in planning a suitable event. Pinner councillor Norman Stevenson brought in Harrow Business Improvement District’s Lou Baxter, who has over 10 years of experience in business and community events. Harrow Council also seconded Owais Qureshi who is a valued contributor to the team.

Local business owner John Mestitz, of Techna International Ltd, brings extensive experience in music event management, so he was pleased to join the team to oversee the music programme, while the Business Club treasurer Stefan Clayton keeps an eye on the budget. With so much hard work already from the team, Salam’s vision for Bridge Street is starting to take shape.

So on Friday, June 21, Pinner’s newest community event, Midsummer D’Lights, will be taking place from 5pm to 9pm on Bridge Street.

There will be music throughout, with local favourites Simply Gray and Rock Chorus, the excellent Bollywood band Bolly Grooves with Nimesh Sanghoi & Team, and Lebanese band Zahi Safiya

Pinner Business Club hopes that this new event will promote all businesses in Bridge Street and across the rest of Pinner, with local cafes, restaurants and bars joining in with vouchers and special offers to mark the occasion. Salam’s artist brother Bassam has created some vibrant graphics for Midsummer D’Lights and Café Amici have created a special midsummer-themed smoothie for the event.

Cllr Stevenson said: “Salam was right that Bridge Street businesses simply don’t get as much visibility as the High Street. With this new street party, hopefully we can bring some much-needed levelling up here! We look forward to all of Pinner coming out to join the party on June 21.”

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