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Illegal advertisers each fined £42,500 

 Published on: 6th August 2018   |   By: Jason Allen   |   Category: Uncategorized

Two legal support companies with offices in Apsley have been prosecuted for illegally displaying advertising boards around Hemel Hempstead.

Nowitslaw Ltd and Litigant in Persons Ltd, whose registered offices are at Hobbs Hill Road, faced action for 17 separate offences. Dacorum Borough Council officers tried to remove the banners and its understood that more were put up.

Both companies did not enter a plea but were found guilty. They were fined £42,500 and ordered to pay £1,202.50 towards prosecution costs as well as a victim surcharge of £120.

Philip Stanley, Dacorum Borough Council’s development management (specialist services) team leader, said: “This case highlights our role in maintaining an attractive appearance to the borough and keeping it a place to be proud of. Our action demonstrates the robust approach we are prepared to take.”

Cllr Graham Sutton, portfolio holder for planning and infrastructure, said: “Unlawfully sited banners are unsightly and can be visually distracting to motorists.

“As the local planning authority we must ensure that the advertisement regulations in place to maintain the attractiveness of our borough are followed. 

“We will take appropriate action against illegal advertising, including prosecuting those who unlawfully site advertising boards and compromise the appearance of our borough.”

To find out if consent is needed for a particular sign or banner, please email the enforcement team on 

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