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HMS PINAFORE: Abbots Langley society performs comic opera to sold-out audiences

 Published on: 2nd July 2024   |   By: Annabel Stock   |   Category: Uncategorized

Abbots Langley Gilbert & Sullivan Society (ALGSS) performed HMS Pinafore to completely sold-out audiences at the Henderson Hub last month.

Performing from June 13 to 15, ALGSS delighted audiences with their production of the comic opera.

When the society began rehearsing back in April, they were still on the hunt for a tenor to play the lead character of Ralph. Thankfully, Dave Anstice-Pim answered their call, travelling from Milton Keynes for every rehearsal and show.

Lisa Morelli, chairman of ALGSS, said: “It was a truly wonderful production, one I am very proud of as chairman and I thank the team, Emma, Alex and Graham enormously for all their hard work.”

The society’s next production will be Orpheus in the Underworld at Watford Palace Theatre from February 13 to 15, 2025.

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