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HAVE YOUR SAY: Bushey resident shares concerns over changing face of town

 Published on: 17th September 2023   |   By: Darius Morgan   |   Category: Uncategorized

After Bushey News reported on the former Bushey Tyre Centre being converted into flats on Sparrows Herne, which sits next to The Royal Oak pub and is also being turned into residences, a Bushey resident of more than 35 years has shared their thoughts on the changing face of the town…

When we first moved to Bushey, it was a small, pretty town with plenty of green space, a nice clean environment and even a police station!

The police station was closed and developed into flats – it would have been demolished I’m sure – but it’s listed. I have never seen anyone going into the flats – does anyone even live there?

There’s no parking of course.

The conversion of The Royal Oak was probably inevitable as the majority of pubs are disappearing fast in Bushey – but so many flats in a small space? Again, with very little parking.

And then there’s the conversion of Bushey Tyres which also is (apparently) only allowing one or two parking spaces.

Yet nobody seems to care.

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1 Comment

  1. L Wakefield September 18th, 2023, 9:21 am

    I care, such a shame that Bushey has changed so very much. Having lived here for over 30 years we now feel it is so congested with over development and traffic that we are intending to move away. Driving anywhere takes forever and the inconsiderate pavement parking makes walking down some roads difficult and at time hazardous. There is no consideration for pedestrian with disabilities or anyone using a baby buggy, it’s a case of park where u like. Building homes without parking doesn’t work, very few households have no need for a vehicle.

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