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FOXES FREED: RSPCA release plea after foxes trapped in netting

 Published on: 10th May 2024   |   By: Dean Shaw   |   Category: Uncategorized

The RSPCA are calling for people to put sports netting away when they’re not being used after two foxes had to be rescued in Stanmore.

On April 8, RSPCA inspector, Mike Beaman, was called to a garden in Stanmore where two young fox cubs had found themselves completely tangled in cricket netting, unable to break free.

The animal rescuer cut the netting that was wrapped around their necks and they were thankfully reunited with their mother who had been watching from a distance.

Following the incident the RSPCA has made a plea for people to “put away their netting when not in use and do their bit for every kind”.

RSPCA’s Mike Beaman said: “The poor cubs had got themselves tangled up while trying to escape. We don’t know how long they’d been there as the caller had been away and found them when he returned that morning and called us to help.

“Netted fencing and netting used for gardening or in sport can be really dangerous for animals. We would urge those using netting for sports to remove and store all nets after their game and put any discarded or old netting safely in a bin.

“Any garden netting, such as pond netting, should be replaced with solid metal mesh.”

For more information on what to do if you find an injured wild animal visit

Photo Credit: RSPCA 

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