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FARM FIGHT: Kings Langley group raises £8,000 to fight against development appeal

 Published on: 7th March 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A campaign group fighting against plans for 135 new homes in Kings Langley has raised £8,000 to combat an appeal from developers.

The Green Belt Matters campaign, run by Kings Langley & District Residents’ Association, is currently fundraising for £20,000. This money will be used to employ a professional planning consultant and barrister as part of the battle against development plans for Rectory Farm.

The application, which also includes the construction of several community buildings, was rejected by Three Rivers District Council in October last year, but developers have now put forward an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

As a result of this, there will be a public inquiry in April, by which time the association hopes to have reached its fundraising target.

Gary Ansell, chairman of the Kings Langley & District Residents’ Association, said: “This is a hugely important green field site in the village, which we have been fighting to protect for 25 years.”

To find out more about the campaign and donate, visit the Green Belt Matters website.

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