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ECO TIFFIN: Building solutions company offers effective way to reduce heat loss

 Published on: 9th September 2022   |   By: Christina Pantelly   |   Category: Uncategorized

Many people throughout Hertfordshire are finding it tough to make ends meet as a result of the recent increase in the price of fuel, electricity and food.

As such, any way to reduce household bills is welcome.

Expert building solutions company Eco Tiffin uses thermal infrared imagery to identify heat loss and help you reduce your heating bill.

The company use thermography, which is a non-destructive technique that is ideal when working with older, complex buildings.

Eco Tiffin explain how they identify the exact type of structure and its fabric, which enables them to determine how good or bad it is at retaining warm air, and therefore form a strategy on how best to reduce heat loss.

Thermography allows Eco Tiffin to see and understand what is going on, explain it and make more informed decisions when prioritising the allocation of limited resources. This makes thermography a sixth sense that we are very lucky to have.

A spokesperson for Eco Tiffin said: “It might not seem entirely intuitive to consider the use of modern technology when working with traditional and ancient buildings. However, building conservation should make use of all the knowledge, skills and disciplines at its disposal and it would be a big mistake to dismiss thermography, especially now, with energy costs predicted to be £3,800 a year for the average home by spring 2023.”

To find out more, visit, call 07768 005885 or 01442 819332, or email

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