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DRUGS THEFT: Pharmaceutical products stolen during burglary in Hemel Hempstead

 Published on: 25th June 2024   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

Detectives are appealing for witnesses and information following a business burglary in Hemel Hempstead, during which various pharmaceutical drugs were stolen.

The incident occurred at the industrial estate on Cleveland Way between 9.30pm on Thursday, June 20 and 1.30am on Friday, June 21.

It was reported that damage was caused to an external wall to gain access to a unit before drugs were stolen from a walk-in fridge.

PC Charlie Eke, from the Dacorum Local Crime Unit, said: “Our investigations are continuing at this time, including a review of any CCTV opportunities. As part of our enquiries, we are also appealing for anyone with information to please come forward.

“Did you witness any suspicious activity in the area around the time? Have you seen pharmaceutical products being offered for sale in unusual circumstances?

“We’d like to remind people to only use pharmaceuticals that have been prescribed or purchased directly from a pharmacy, NHS establishment or other registered health provider. Using drugs from an unknown source poses a serious risk to health.”

You can report information online at, speak to an operator in the Force Communications Room via the online web chat at or call the non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference 41/50191/24.

Alternatively, you can stay 100 per cent anonymous by contacting the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via their untraceable online form at

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