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DO YOU REMEMBER: Protestors lead a march against war in Iraq

 Published on: 10th November 2022   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

This month’s historical photo comes from 19 years ago, when thousands of demonstrators descended on Northwood to protest the then-proposed invasion of Iraq.

On Sunday, January 19, 2003, the protestors came to the area due to the military headquarters based there. The following month also saw a major protest across the globe, the largest ever anti-war rally.

The march coincided with talks between Iraqi officials and United Nations weapons inspectors to try and encourage Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to provide more information on banned weapons and co-operate with them. These talks failed.

Eventually, the protests proved fruitless, as the invasion of Iraq began on March 20. Saddam Hussein’s government would be deposed, but this would itself lead to various conflicts, some of which are still ongoing.

Do you have any memories of this protest, or other parades and demonstrations in the area? If so, let us know or send your historical photos to, and they could feature in a future edition.

Picture credit Sang Tan, ANL and Shutterstock

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