This month’s historical photo features a view of Scots Hill straight from 1974, coming from the A412 Watford Road and near to the All Saints’ Church.
The street of Scots Hill saw a major amount of change in the 1970s, especially due to the recent construction of the Highfield Estate, which replaced Highfield House stately home and its grounds.
The road had been known since at least the early 1900s for its propensity for accidents, due to its short, steep incline and curve. Even in the early part of the 20th century, carts would often overturn going up it, when conditions becoming even worse in the ice.
It was in the 1970s when Scots Hill would be widened from a two-way street into the dual carriageway it is today. The houses in the middle of this photo have since been demolished.
Do you have any historical photos of Croxley, including the widening of Scots Hill in the 1970s? If so, send them to, and they could feature in a future edition of the magazine.
Photo Credit: David Hillas