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‘DELIGHTED’: Amersham’s mobile museum to run for three more years thanks to donation

 Published on: 23rd June 2024   |   By: Darius Morgan   |   Category: Uncategorized

Rotary in Amersham has donated £750 to support a project by Amersham Museum.

Museum director Briony Hudson received the cheque at the Rotary club’s meeting on Wednesday, May 1. The money will be used towards the running of Anthony, Amersham’s mobile museum, for three years. This will enable the museum to continue to bring the town’s history to local events, fetes, schools and other organisations.

Briony told AMERSHAMnews: “I’m delighted that Rotary Club of Amersham have very generously agreed to support the running costs of Anthony.

“Their donation should cover Anthony’s MOT and service, to help us to keep him on the road and attending community events. Thanks to our mobile museum team, we’ve already visited Hyde Heath fete, Coleshill School, and the commemorative D-Day anniversary band concert in the Memorial Gardens, and will be at Chesham Bois fete later in June. Eagle-eyed readers might also have noticed that Anthony moves to a spot near the Memorial Gardens for the monthly Sunday Coopers Market, with an A-board directing people to the museum!”

Photo Credit: Amersham Museum

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