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BREAK-IN: Children accused of smashing lock at Berkhamsted tennis club

 Published on: 26th February 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A tennis club in the Northchurch area of Berkhamsted suffered a recent break-in.

Northchurch Tennis Club member Lee Nightingale posted photos of the incident, which took place on the evening of Sunday, February 11, on Facebook.

Photos showed that the door to one of their equipment sheds had been broken, with leftover food and equipment strewn around the shed.

Posting in the Everything Berko Facebook group, Lee said: “To the parents of children in the Northchurch area, do your kids enjoy smoking weed, eating noodles and playing a spot of tennis?

“If so, we’d love to hear from you as they seem mad keen if last night’s antics are anything to go by. They gained access to the court and clubhouse using the combination codes.

“So, if your kid came back last night talking of becoming the next Roger Federer, please ask them to become a member like everyone else and perhaps have some coaching.”

Many other residents reacted to Lee’s comment with outrage, with one resident stating it was “unbelievable”, but many also commended the statement.

When contacted, Herts Police stated they had no record of any recent break-ins in the Northchurch area.

Photo credit: Lee Nightingale

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