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BENTLEY PRIORY: New rules decided for dogs at Stanmore nature reserve after consultations

 Published on: 22nd June 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

Following a second consultation, Harrow Council has agreed that dogs must be kept on leads only in specific parts of Bentley Priory Nature Reserve in Stanmore.

On May 21, councillors heard that two-thirds of respondents wanted dogs to be kept on leads in specific parts of the green space in order to tackle anti-social behaviour associated with out-of-control dogs, as well as to protect wildlife.

The consultation was the second to take place in recent months. This came after dog owners complained that the result of an initial consultation relating to public spaces across the borough ought not to apply to Bentley Priory.

From August 1, 2024, dogs must stay on a lead within Deer Path Corridor, and they will not be allowed to enter ponds or other watercourses. During the summer months, they will also be prohibited from running off-lead at Spring Meadow.

To make clear where the new rules apply, signs will be placed across the nature reserve. Those who break the rules risk a £100 fixed penalty notice.

Councillor Pritesh Patel, Harrow Council’s cabinet member for cleaner streets and public safety, said: “The safety of our residents and wildlife is a top priority for us. We want to make sure our parks and open spaces are enjoyed by everyone.

“Residents have told us that they had concerns regarding the behaviour of some loose dogs around people and animals at Bentley Priory. Following our consultation, I am confident that this Public Spaces Protection Order will assist us in addressing issues of nuisance behaviour in this area.”

Photo Credit: Harrow Online

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