Police are issuing a warning to dog owners following an attack on sheep in Sarrat.
On Monday, March 9, a ewe suffered facial injuries after it was attacked on private land at Sarrat Bottom.
PC Christian Gottmann, from the Rickmansworth Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “Under the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953, if a dog worries sheep on agricultural land, the person in charge of the dog is guilty of an offence.
“It is crucial that you keep your dog on a lead around livestock, even if you can usually trust it to come when called. If you live in or near an agricultural area, you must make sure that your dog cannot escape from your property as it may find its way onto land containing sheep.”
Anyone who witnesses similar incidents is asked to contact police on the non-emergency number 101, noting descriptions of the dog involved and its owner. Please call 999 if a crime is in progress.
You can also report information online at www.herts.police.uk/Report
Alternatively, you can contact the independent crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or through their Anonymous Online Form at www.crimestoppers-uk.org
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